Digital Visual Content

Visual Content Mastery

To kick start the series, we’re exploring the world of visual content in digital marketing.

Learn why visuals are crucial for capturing audience attention, discover different types of visual content you can create, and get practical tips for designing eye-catching graphics and videos. We’ll also share some recommended tools and resources to help you level up your visual content game!

The Power of Visuals: Why Visual Content Matters in Digital Marketing

Visual content has become a cornerstone of effective digital marketing strategies. From social media posts to website banners, visuals have the power to grab attention, evoke emotions, and drive action like no other medium. To leverage the power of visuals in your marketing strategy, focus on:

  • Creating visually appealing content that aligns with your brand identity and resonates with your target audience.

Take Red Bull’s social media strategy, which relies heavily on visually captivating content. Their Instagram feed features stunning images and videos of extreme sports and adrenaline-pumping stunts, capturing the attention of adventure enthusiasts worldwide.

Red Bull’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/redbull/

  • Using visuals to tell compelling stories that connect with your audience on an emotional level.

 Dove’s “Real Beauty” campaign is another powerful example of using visuals to tell compelling stories. Through thought-provoking images and videos, Dove challenges beauty stereotypes and celebrates diversity, resonating with audiences on a deep emotional level.

Dove's - Real body Image Campaign. Pregant lady with veins on tummy.
  • Incorporating visuals into every aspect of your digital marketing campaigns, from social media posts to email newsletters.

Starbucks incorporates visuals into every aspect of their digital marketing campaigns, from Instagram posts showcasing their latest seasonal drinks to visually appealing email newsletters that entice customers to visit their stores. 

Types of visual content: Infographics to Videos

Visual content comes in many forms, each with its unique strengths and benefits. Whether it’s infographics that simplify complex information, videos that tell compelling stories, or stunning photography that captures attention, there’s a visual format for every message. Consider:

  • Exploring different types of visual content to find the best fit for your brand and marketing goals.

National Geographic’s infographics are renowned for their ability to distil complex scientific concepts into visually engaging graphics. By combining data visualisation with captivating imagery, National Geographic makes complex topics accessible and understandable to a broad audience.


While National Geographic is renowned for its high-quality infographics, another reputable source for engaging infographics is Visual Capitalist. They produce visually stunning and informative infographics on various topics, ranging from technology and economics to history and science.

You can explore their collection of infographics on their website: https://www.visualcapitalist.com/

Infographics example

Visual Capitalist’s infographics are well-researched, visually appealing, and provide valuable insights into complex topics. Feel free to explore their website for inspiration and examples of compelling visual content

  • Experimenting with a variety of formats, including images, videos, infographics, and interactive content.

BuzzFeed’s Tasty videos have revolutionised the way recipes are shared online. With short, visually appealing videos that showcase each step of the cooking process, Tasty has amassed millions of followers and inspired countless home cooks to try new recipes.

Check out their site:  https://tasty.co/

Tasty Melted Cheese
  • Tailoring your visual content to the preferences and behaviours of your target audience to maximise engagement and impact.

The New York Times’ interactive features combine stunning visuals with compelling storytelling to bring news stories to life. Whether it’s an interactive map detailing the spread of a global pandemic or a multimedia feature exploring the impact of climate change, The New York Times uses visuals to engage and inform readers in innovative ways.


The New York Times website

Tips for creating engaging visual content

Creating engaging visual content requires more than just pretty pictures. It’s about understanding your audience, telling a compelling story, and delivering value with every image or video. To create compelling visual content, remember to:

  • Know your audience: Understand their preferences, interests, and pain points to create content that resonates.

Nike’s “You Can’t Stop Us” campaign is a masterclass in storytelling through visuals. Through a series of split-screen videos, Nike seamlessly blends footage of athletes from different sports and backgrounds, conveying a powerful message of unity and resilience that resonates with viewers around the world.

  • Tell a story: Use visuals to convey a narrative that captivates and inspires your audience.

Airbnb’s website features stunning photography that showcases unique properties and destinations around the world. By highlighting the beauty and diversity of their listings, Airbnb inspires wanderlust and encourages users to book their next adventure through their platform.

Check it out here, but remember to come back!  https://www.airbnb.co.uk/

AirB&B selection of properties creating wonderlust
  • Keep it simple: Avoid clutter and distractions by focusing on a clear and concise message.
  • Be authentic: Showcase your brand’s personality and values through genuine and relatable content.

GoPro encourages users to share their adventures through user-generated content. By showcasing real-life experiences captured with their cameras, GoPro creates a sense of authenticity and community that resonates with outdoor enthusiasts and adrenaline junkies.

  • Optimise for mobile: Ensure your visuals are optimised for mobile devices to reach audiences on the go.

Tools and resources for designing stunning visuals

From graphic design software to stock photo libraries, there’s no shortage of tools and resources available to help you create stunning visuals for your digital marketing campaigns. To streamline your visual content creation process, consider using:

Canva: Canva offers a wide range of templates and graphics for creating professional-looking visuals with ease. Whether you’re designing social media posts, infographics, or email newsletters, Canva’s user-friendly interface makes it easy to bring your ideas to life. https://www.canva.com/

Unsplash: Unsplash provides a vast collection of high-quality, royalty-free images that you can use in your marketing materials. With thousands of photographers contributing to the platform, Unsplash offers a diverse selection of visuals to suit any project or campaign. https://unsplash.com/

  • Adobe Creative Cloud: Adobe Creative Cloud gives you access to industry-leading design software, including Photoshop, Illustrator, and Premiere Pro, for creating custom visuals and videos. Whether you’re editing photos, creating illustrations, or producing videos, Adobe Creative Cloud has everything you need to bring your vision to life. https://www.adobe.com/creativecloud.html

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